Ever come across any used PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) like a mask or glove lying on the street? If you haven’t then you are fortunate enough to be residing in a locality where people are well informed on how to dispose of this biomedical waste.
But wait, how do you dispose of your mask that you use daily to protect yourself against COVID-19? Throw it in a common bin in the neighborhood as you would have done normally with other waste? If yes, then are you aware of the risk it poses to the environment and to human health? Do you know how disposing of this waste properly can help in reducing the widespread of the deadly virus also known COVID-19?
As our nation stays at second place in the list of worst-affected countries by COVID-19, the concerns regarding the management of COVID-19 waste, produced by several hospitals, nursing homes, isolation wards, and households are increasing drastically. Despite the fact that the threat of contracting the virus is hair-raising, what is more alarming is the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the COVID-19 waste that is generated during the diagnosis and treatment of the people that are affected by the deadly virus COVID-19.
Through this article I would like to let you know the guidelines for handling, treatment, and disposal of COVID-19 waste.
Rules and Regulations to Manage COVID-19 Waste
Note: These guidelines are provided by CPCB ( Central Pollution Control Board).
These guidelines in maintaining the COVID-19 waste are required to be followed by every center including laboratories, sample collection centers, quarantine centers, isolation wards, ULBs and common biomedical waste treatment and disposal facilities. Moreover, this is in addition to the existing biomedical waste management practices under BMW Management Rules, 2016. Consult with our legal regulation and compliance consultants for biomedical waste here!
These guidelines are based upon the gathered information on COVID-19. Additionally, upon the existing guidelines in managing biomedical waste generated in hospitals while treating viral and infectious diseases like HIV. These guidelines can also be updated if needs arise.
Isolation Wards, Sample Collection Centers and Laboratories
- Maintain separate identifiable colored bins (with foot operated lids)/bags/containers in wards. In addition to ensuring that proper segregation of waste as per BMWM Rules, 2016 as amended and CPCB guidelines for implementation of BMW Management Rules is being followed.
- As a precautionary measure, for collection of biomedical waste from these wards a double layered bag should be used. This is to ensure that the bags have sufficient strength and there are no leaks.
Quarantine Centers, Camps, and Home Care/Quarantine
Home care/quarantine – A place where care and treatment is provided to a COVID-19 positive patient.
Though these places wouldn’t be producing much waste as compared to hospitals however people taking care of these places will need to follow the listed steps. This is to ensure safe handling and disposal of waste.
Biomedical waste from these facilities may also comprise expired or discarded medicines. Moreover, in the event of patients with other chronic diseases it may also include urine bags, body fluid, drain bags, blood soaked tissues/cotton, etc. Also, these wastes would be treated as domestic hazardous waste as described by Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016. Consequently, these wastes should be disposed of as per provisions under Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016.
Similarly, general solid waste from these places should be segregated separately and disposed as per provisions under SWM Rules, 2016.
Way Forward
It is not an unknown fact that inappropriately disposing of these wastes poses a great risk not only to the environment but also to the lives of sanitation workers. Not to mention these workers are mostly untrained for handling such hazardous waste. Our nation has always been struggling with the issue of proper disposal of waste. Now that the country is striked with one of the deadliest viruses the issue has got worse. Tap here to connect with the best hazardous waste consultants!
However is it the authorities or the government to be blamed?
It is worth mentioning that India has taken every measure as it is being taken in other countries such as Germany and France in putting down best practices for disposing waste materials. That includes:
- Segregation of waste or proper labeling
- Sanitizing the transportation of carrying the waste
The main issue here is not the lack of rules and regulations but the implementation of the same rules and regulations. So, it is highly recommended that everyone follow the guidelines as provided by the concerned authorities.
I hope this article helps you in managing the COVID-19 waste. I will be writing on duties of Common Biomedical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTF) and SPCBs/PCCs in managing the waste on my next blog. So, stick around! Connect with our biomedical waste consultants and manage biomedical waste in an efficient manner!